MC 5

The 5 mL Micro Compounder is designed to test new formulations and materials with minimal usage of expensive synthesized compounds and additives.


The 5 ml Micro Compounder is designed for testing new formulations and materials using minute amounts of costly synthesized materials and additives. Its base capacity of 5 ml can be adjusted with the proprietary Vari-Batch™ feature, allowing users to select a batch volume between 2 and 5 ml. The 2 ml insert is ideal for screening very small samples or reducing sample costs by half compared to the 5 ml insert. This versatile micro compounder offers various options, including the Vari-Batch™ system for flexible batch sizes, a pneumatic front feeder, a cooled feeding top hopper, and elongated forced feeding screws for enhanced processing. It supports a maximum operating temperature of 450°C and delivers maximum torque of 6 Nm per screw.

Users can choose between co-rotating and counter-rotating gearboxes and screws, and it is compatible with a range of shaping instruments such as injection moulding, cast film, and fiber lines, making it an ideal solution for efficient and cost-effective R&D workflows.



Injection Moulder


Micro Cast Film Lines


Pro Pelletizer


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